INTECH Book: Call for Chapters – October 2017


Edited by: Ricardo López-Ruiz

ISBN 978-953-51-6037-3
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: November 2018

Chapter Proposal Submission: January 15, 2018
Full Chapter Submission: April 15, 2018

ABOUT THE BOOK: Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a field in a constant growth and change and with a long recent history. The challenge to reproduce the human behavior in machines requires the interaction of many fields, from engineering to mathematics, from neurology to biology, from computer science to robotics, from web search to social networks, from machine learning to game theory, etc. Numerous applications and possibilities of AI are already a reality but other ones are still to come to reduce the human limitations and to expand the human capability to limits beyond our imagination. The goal of this book is to bring together researchers working on areas related to AI such as machine learning, image processing, natural language processing, speech and face recognition, social and information network analysis, game playing, graphical models, web search, etc. with a special interest for the applications of chaotic and complex systems in AI and all those related areas.

Theoretical and applied scientific papers which can be presented as original research papers and review papers are accepted. The required length of the full chapters is 14-20 pages.

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INTECH Book: Call for Chapters – April 2017


Edited by: Ricardo López-Ruiz

ISBN 978-953-51-5705-2
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: December 2017

Chapter Proposal Submission: May 11, 2017
Full Chapter Submission: August 07, 2017

ABOUT THE BOOK: Bifurcations in a system provoke in general a structural change in the spatial and time behavior of the system. When a cascade of bifurcations happens, the system can show a chaotic behavior evolving on fractal structures on the phase space. In many of these systems different complex behaviors are found: bursts, synchronization, solitons, chimera states, even unpredictability, although the system is described by a set of deterministic differential or difference equations. Modern computing has allowed to foster the study of all this kind of dynamical behaviors. The goal of this book is to bring together researchers working on these areas of nonlinear systems with potential applications in social networking, economic and financial markets, cultural patterns, etc.

Theoretical and applied scientific papers which can be presented as original research papers and review papers are accepted. The required length of the full chapters is 14-20 pages.

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INTECH Book: Publication – Setember 2016

bookBOOK:    NUMERICAL SIMULATION: From Brain Imaging to Turbulent Flows

Editor: Ricardo López-Ruiz

ISBN: 978-953-51-2565-5
Publisher: InTech Books
Series: Computer Simulation
Content: 16 articles by 48 contributors
Publication date: August 2016



ABOUT THE BOOK: Nowadays mathematical modeling and numerical simulations play an important role in life and natural science. Numerous researchers are working in developing different methods and techniques to help understand the behavior of very complex systems, from the brain activity with real importance in medicine to the turbulent flows with important applications in physics and engineering. This book presents an overview of some models, methods, and numerical computations that are useful for the applied research scientists and mathematicians, fluid tech engineers, and postgraduate students.

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INTECH Book: Call for Chapters – October 2015


Edited by: Ricardo López-Ruiz

ISBN 978-953-51-4720-6
Publisher: InTech
Publication date: August 2016

Chapter Proposal Submission: November 05, 2015
Full Chapter Submission: February 09, 2016

ABOUT THE BOOK: This book will be a self-contained collection of scholarly papers targeting an audience of practicing researchers, academics, PhD students and other scientists. The contents of the book will be written by multiple authors and edited by experts in the field. The authors are given the liberty of choosing a topic which best suits their current research efforts. In other words, there is no limit in terms of the topic but encourage you to present your work. Later, when all chapter proposals are collected, the editor will give a more general direction of the book and decide on its scope.

Theoretical and applied scientific papers which can be presented as original research papers and review papers are accepted. The required length of the full chapters is 16-26 pages.

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SPRINGER Book: Proceedings Publication – March 2015

9783319123271BOOK: Nonlinear Maps and Their Applications

Editors:  Ricardo López-Ruiz, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret, Yoshifumi Nishio and Clara Grácio

ISBN: 978-3-319-12327-1
Publisher: Springer
Series: Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics
Content: 17 articles by 36 contributors
Publication date: March 2015

In the field of Dynamical Systems, nonlinear iterative processes play an important role. Nonlinear mappings can be found as immediate models for many systems from different scientific areas, such as engineering, economics, biology, or can also be obtained via numerical methods permitting to solve non-linear differential equations. In both cases, the understanding of specific dynamical behaviors and phenomena is of the greatest interest for scientists. This volume contains papers that were presented at the International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications (NOMA 2013) held in Zaragoza, Spain, on September 3-4, 2013. This kind of collaborative effort is of paramount importance in promoting communication among the various groups that work in dynamical systems and networks in their research theoretical studies as well as for applications. This volume is suitable for graduate students as well as researchers in the field.

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PUBLICIA Book: Thesis Memory Publication – May 2014

978-3-639-55613-1-fullBOOK: Criptosistemas Caóticos: Estudio, Diseño y Aplicaciones (*)

Autores:  C. Pellicer-Lostao & R. López-Ruiz

Publisher: Editorial Publicia
Publication date: May 2014
Pages: 248

La aplicación del Caos en Criptografía puede parecer algo evidente, dado que las propiedades fundamentales del caos están estrechamente relacionadas con las características esenciales de la criptografía (confusión y difusión). Ahora bien, ¿puede la teoría del caos mejorar los algoritmos criptográficos actuales? Esta memoria de tesis recoge las claves para dar respuesta a esta pregunta. Al día de hoy, la criptografía caótica tiene más de dos décadas de historia. El estudio de las técnicas utilizadas en este campo, ilustra su potencialidad y posibles debilidades. También demuestra la necesidad de observar unas pautas de diseño que aseguren calidad criptográfica. La memoria recoge el detalle de diseño de un sistema criptográfico basado en un generador pseudoaleatorio caótico. El diseño se apoya en un sistema caótico bidimensional e ilustra la potencia y versatilidad del generador para su uso en criptografía. Sin embargo, un generador pseudoaleatorio caótico es un motor de simulación computacional. Esto se demuestra especialmente interesante para introducir caos en modelos económicos, por lo que esta obra ilustra también en detalle, la aplicación del generador caótico en Econofísica.

(*) Memoria de Tesis de Carmen Pellicer-Lostao defendida el 12-Julio-2012 en la Universidad de Zaragoza y dirigida por el profesor Ricardo López-Ruiz.

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BENTHAM Book: Chapter Publication – January 2014

Concepts-300BOOK: Concepts and Recent Advances in Generalized Information Measures and Statistics

Editors:  Andrés M. Kowalski, Raúl D. Rossignoli and Evaldo M. F. Curado

eISBN: 978-1-60805-760-3, 2013
Publisher: Bentham Science
Publication date: December 2013

The goal of this book is to offer an updated overview on generalized information measures and statistics, including the basic concepts as well as some recent relevant applications.

The book begins with an historical introduction describing the fascinating development of the concepts of heat and entropy. Starting from the ideas of the ancient Greece, an account of the main historical breakthroughs is provided, which allows to appreciate the fundamental contributions of Nicolas Sadi Carnot, Rudolf Clausius, Ludwig Boltzmann, Josiah Willard Gibbs and others. It ends with the seminal works of Claude Shannon, which led to the foundation of Information Theory, and Edwin Jaynes, which provided the connection of the latter with Statistical Mechanics.

Chapter 7, pp. 147-168,

A Statistical Measure of Complexity
Ricardo López-Ruiz, Héctor Mancini and Xavier Calbet


In this chapter, a statistical measure of complexity is introduced and some of its properties are discussed. Also, some straightforward applications are shown. This approach is precisely presented by Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz and collaborators that introduce the well-known measure of complexity known by their surnames (LMC Statistical Measure of Complexity). Its properties are discussed in full detail and some interesting applications (gaussian and exponential distributions, and complexity in a two-level laser model) are also provided.

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NOMA-2013: Congreso celebrado en la Univ. de Zaragoza

NOMA'13 WorkshopEl NOMA’13 (International Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and their Applications) se ha celebrado en la Sala de Grados de la Facultad de Ciencias durante los días 3 y 4 de setiembre. Fue inaugurado el pasado martes día 3 a las 9.00 horas por el Comité Organizador y Científico del congreso representado por Ricardo López-Ruiz (Zaragoza, España), Danièle Fournier-Prunaret (Toulouse, Francia), Clara Gració (Évora, Portugal) y Yoshifumi Nishio (Tokhusima, Japón). La Decana de la Facultad de Ciencias, Ana Elduque,  les acompañó en el acto de apertura presidiendo la Mesa que daba comienzo a dicho congreso.

Se trata de la cuarta edición de una serie de conferencias internacionales cuyas reuniones anteriores se celebraron en Toulouse (Noma’07), Urbino (Noma’09) y Évora (Noma’11). Este workshop reúne a investigadores de las áreas teóricas y aplicadas que son pioneros en el estudio de sistemas discretos no lineales, ha indicado Ricardo López-Ruiz, el profesor organizador de la presente edición de dicho congreso.

En esta ocasión, se expusieron trabajos de 53 autores de 15 países  distintos, un total de 5 charlas invitadas y 20 comunicaciones orales en múltiples áreas tales como las de Economía, Electrónica, Biología, Métodos computacionales, Microingeniería y Telecomunicaciones.

Los científicos invitados:

Yves Pomeau, Paris, France,

Elena Blokhina, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland,

Oreste Piro, University of Balearic Islands, Palma de Mallorca, Spain,

Víctor Mañosa, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain,

Anirban Chakraborti, École Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France,

junto a un grupo internacional de especialistas, compartieron sus últimas investigaciones y desarrollos en sistemas no lineales. Dichas investigaciones pueden ayudar a comprender mejor desde la evolución de las poblaciones, la dinámica compleja en sistemas físicos, los continuos altibajos de la bolsa o las distribuciones de riqueza en la sociedad.

En el cierre del congreso, celebrado el miércoles día 4 de setiembre a las 17h30, se informó que la nueva edición del NOMA se realizará  en 2015 en la Universidad de Dublín. También se informó que los proceedings del congreso NOMA’13 serán publicados en la prestigiosa serie PROMS, Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics, de la editorial Springer.

El grupo de especialistas también tuvo tiempo de degustar la gastronomía local de Zaragoza, así como de descubrir algunas de sus joyas artísticas y urbanísticas.

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NOMA-2013: Workshop in Zaragoza – September 2013

The NOMA’13 Icropped-hola31nternational Workshop on Nonlinear Maps and Applications will be held on September 3 and 4, 2013 in Zaragoza, Spain. This is the fourth edition of a series of international conferences whose previous meetings were held in Toulouse (Noma’07), Urbino (Noma’09) and Évora (Noma’11). This workshop brings together researchers from theoretical and application areas (mathematics, physics, economy, engineering) who are pioneering in the study of nonlinear discrete systems. The conference is organized and hosted by the Universidad de Zaragoza, in the Faculty of Science, located in the south center of Zaragoza.

Nonlinear iterative processes play an important role in physical, biological and social phenomena. Nonlinear mappings can directly model many systems in different domains, as Engineering, Physics, Economics, Biology, etc., or they can be obtained via numerical methods permitting to solve differential non linear equations. In both cases, the understanding of specific behaviours and bifurcations of this type of systems is of the greatest interest. This workshop is open to theoretical studies as well as applicative ones. Contributions in the fields of Economics, Electronics, Biology, Computational methods, Engineering, Telecommunications, besides other more fundamental lectures, are wellcome. Mathematicians, Physicists, Engineers, Economists, and in general the specialists in the field of Nonlinear Systems, are invited to share their last contributions and developments in nonlinear discrete systems by participating in this conference.

Invited Speakers:
Yves Pomeau, Paris, France
Elena Blokhina, University College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland
Mario Cosenza, University of the Andes, Mérida, Venezuela
Víctor Mañosa, Polytechnic University of Catalunya, Terrassa, Spain
Anirban Chakraborti, École Centrale Paris, Châtenay-Malabry, France

Organizing Committee:
Ricardo López-Ruiz, Danièle Fournier-Prunaret, Francisco Balibrea, Carmen Pellicer-Lostao, Ismael Martínez-Martínez, Pedro Miana, Joëlle Breau.

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NOVA Book: Chapter Publication – December 2012


Edited by: Alejandro F. Camisão and Celio C. Pedroso

ISBN 978-1-62257-211-3, Hard cover, 7×10 (NBC – R), 266 pp.
Publisher: Nova Publishers
Publication date: December 2012
Series: Animal Science, Issues and Professions

Symbiosis refers to the biological interaction between two organisms or species, living in close association. In this book, the authors present current research in the study of the evolution, biology and ecological effects of symbiosis. Topics discussed include the evolution of arbuscular mycorrhiza; legume properties and symbiosis; sea anemones and hermit crab symbiosis in temperate seas; the agronomic and ecological importance between legumes and rhizobia; the behavioral, physiological and ecological effects of organisms in symbiotic associations; and a neuronal model with symbiotic interactions. (Imprint: Nova Biomedical)

Chapter 10, pp. 235-254,

The Bistable Brain: A Neuronal Model with Symbiotic Interactions
Ricardo Lopez-Ruiz and Danièle Fournier-Prunaret


In general, the behavior of large and complex aggregates of elementary components can not be understood nor extrapolated from the properties of a few components. The brain is a good example of this type of networked systems where some patterns of behavior are observed independently of the topology and of the number of coupled units. Following this insight, we have studied the dynamics of different aggregates of logistic maps according to a particular symbiotic coupling scheme that imitates the neuronal excitation coupling. All these aggregates show some common dynamical properties, concretely a bistable behavior that is reported here with a certain detail. Thus, the qualitative relationship with neural systems is suggested through a naive model of many of such networked logistic maps whose behavior mimics the waking-sleeping bistability displayed by brain systems. Due to its relevance, some regions of multistability are determined and sketched for all these logistic models.

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